Friday, November 13, 2009


Hey all and welcome to the One Book, One Philadelphia Graphic Art Contest Blog! This is where you can find all the paperwork and information you'll need to enter this really cool event and maybe get to meet some other art students along the way. I'm Cara and I created this event as part of an internship at the Free Library of Philadelphia (a really cool place, make sure you all check out the closest branch to you!). This event is basically what the title says - a graphic art competition designed for YOU - Philly's art students! Philly has all these great art schools - Moore, Tyler, UArts, PAFA, Art Institute, etc, and we never really interact. Now is our chance!

The Complete Persepolis is a really amazing book and everyone should read it - especially since it's this year's One Book. Marjane Satrapi shares her memoir in Persepolis, share your story through a graphic medium!

If you scroll down you can find some files labeled Entry Form and Flyer - read them, then print them out! Fill out an entry form, create some art and enter! Plaster your campus with flyers so all your friends will enter too! Any questions, just email me at


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Entry Form